Thursday, August 28, 2008

All along the watchtower Princes kept the view

Arise ye princes, and prepare the shield. For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth. - Book of Isaiah. Ch 21

Here is a look at the new Archer's Platform for the Rural Fort Walls. I'm planning for these to be included with v1.20 of the BTH Watchtowers hak for NWN2. The shot on the left shows the model as I intended it to be used. The shot on the right demonstrates the improved height postioning by utilising the walkmesh helper on a model that has been sunk into the ground. Used like this, on the right, I think it makes a great improvised defensive position.

I'm satisfied with the model, but there is still some work to do on the walkmesh helper. In order to create the shot on the left I had to convert the boulder placeables into Environment Objects to get the walkmesh to bake correctly. It could have had something to do with too many placeables in close proximity, but I'm going to experiement a little more to see if I can improve the walkmesh bake further.

And after that I'll start work on some gates to match the walls.

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